God’s Creative Handiwork

Greetings….I thought I would use this Post to display some of theĀ  pictures taken by the Hubble spacecraft and found at the website below. These are just a few more examples of God’s astoundingly beautiful, creative “Genius” (I speak as a human, as Paul would say!) carried out by His Son (John 1:3).

Can you imagine how much more awesomely glorious is the “third heaven” spoken of by Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:2, where the Father and Christ Jesus now dwell, and which will be our future home!!! ( At the time when Paul penned this, the “first” heaven was considered what a person saw when they would look up to the sky. The “second” heaven was the universe beyond what the naked eye could see, or these pictures from Hubble. The “third” heaven was the unseen or “other dimensional” realm where the Father, Christ Jesus, angels [messengers] and other celestial beings reside.)

To get to the pictures just point the arrow on your mouse to the website address below and left click. To return to this website just click your “back” arrow, which should be in the upper left corner of your screen.


Actually, you can purchase calendars exhibiting pictures taken from Hubble at Amazon.com. I have one in my kitchen and just about every time I glance at it I am reminded of how blessed we are to have God as our Father and Christ Jesus as our Savior.

Later, in Christ,


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