Hip Pocket God


During my early years as a Christian, I came across the term ‘hip pocket God’ and  readily understood it referred to using or desperately calling on God ONLY when one needs Him….much like using a wallet from the back pocket.

It obviously did not impress me enough because I kept Him and Christ Jesus right there, all snug, for many, many years ALTHOUGH I appeared to be quite the gung-ho  Christian with a great zeal for church activities, Bible study and ‘religious good works’.

Well, I thought by continually acknowledging in my thoughts the fact that They are there along with my zealous religious activities I would surely never qualify as having a ‘hip pocket God’. Oops….WRONG!

It took me years and years (seemed like eons!!), with  quite a number of painful experiences, to finally fully realize and understand that as long as I/we do not DEPEND on, SEEK guidance from, offer PRAISE and THANKS to our Father and Savior on a CONTINUAL moment by moment (when possible) and hourly by hourly (when possible) basis….then, They continue to remain in my/our hip pocket.

You can reference the Posts (Categories) on “Pray On The Potty”, “Practicing The Presence Of God” and “Why Isn’t God More Real To Me” for more discussion on this.

All the best, in Him.
