God Is In This Place….And I Knew It Not


The title of this Category is spoken by Jacob in Genesis 28:16 and this excerpt referring to this wonderful truth is taken from “Abandonment To Divine Providence” at http://www.ccel.org/ccel/decaussade/abandonment.ii_1.ii.iii.v.html (just click the web address with your pointer and you will have access to the entire book). Here we go:

““Truly,” said Jacob, “God is in this place, and I knew it not” (Gen. xxvii, 16).

You seek God and He is everywhere; everything proclaims Him, everything gives Him to you. He walks by your side, is around you and within you: there He lives, and yet you seek Him.

You seek your own idea of God while all the time you possess Him substantially. You seek perfection, and it is in everything that presents itself to you. Your sufferings, your actions, your attractions are the species under which God gives Himself to you, while you are vainly striving after sublime ideas which He by no means assumes in order to dwell in you.  ”

End of excerpt.

Of course, the name “God” used here by Jacob is actually referring to Christ Jesus, who was “God” in the Old Testament, as Paul clearly indicates in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4.

However , “God”, our Father, is Who is being referenced to in this excerpt. Nevertheless, they are BOTH with us as brought out in the Category  “God And Christ Jesus Are In Us ALL THE TIME!!”.

Until later, in Him.
